Spare Parts
Spare parts store/spare parts selling
- The list of original MAN spare parts, other spare parts and auxiliary materials mostly with a major customers focus is always available.
- Exploiting of the vertical multitier storage system and corresponding software, all necessary operations are carried out by qualified employees
- For reliable running of your vehicles we supply original MAN spares.
more at a glance:
- Being MAN’s service partner we dispose of the logistically organized spare parts delivery system, the delivery is possible from the MAN central storehouse and from the storehouses of MAN’s partner companies.
- On the basis of vehicle registration document data which is kept in the MAN central archives and exploiting MAN special software we can unmistakably determine the types of units and details. Thus, just identification needed spare parts is carried out promptly.
- If you order spare parts from 17.00 they will be delivered to you next morning.
- Other manufacturers’ spares and elements of vehicle equipment are delivered by our partners with which we establish confidential and reliable relationships in the result of the long-term collaboration.
- In an emergency cases courier service is possible
- The working hours of the storehouse concur with the office working hours, moreover emergency service has a twenty-four-hour access to the spare parts store